My last blog post generated a fair amount of discussion--which is good. It is good to explore alternate energy sources. One day oil could run out or become too expensive and we will want an alternative. As one friend suggested, only 100 years ago electricity wasn't a "right" it was a luxury.
Part of the discussion in the last post centered on a question of how I can claim to be anti-government involvement and yet not decry the tax breaks that oil companies are getting. Now, I have no knowledge of what "tax breaks" we're talking about...but, I'm not an expert. Maybe they are getting tax breaks...or maybe it's just a public perception because oil companies make billions of dollars and buy politicians...I don't know. All I know is that gas at the pump is taxed to the nth degree. I also know that when one province raises royalty rates, oil companies move provinces taking the high paying jobs with them.
Maybe there are "tax breaks" but I don't think that our government is throwing money at oil companies like some countries are doing for solar and wind. And, for that I am grateful and I don't apologize. Why? I read this article in the Toronto Sun yesterday. If there was any hope of alternative energy taking hold, I believed it was going to be found in Germany. Germany pledged to get rid of nuclear. They were investing billions in solar and wind and one article claimed that Germany was the hope of green energy. In fact, I remember hearing how our decision to not follow suit was going to leave us in the Dark Ages while the rest of the world moved to a new, improved economy.
And yet, they're running away from solar and wind. Why? At this time solar and wind are too unreliable. It's one thing for a company to receive a break in taxes when we know the result is increased investment, increased employment, increased economic development, increased prosperity. It's quite another to spend billions on unproven technologies that apparently have none of the aforementioned benefits. But, maybe that's the idea--spend all our money going green so that we have no money and are forced to live off the land...that would be green.
One day the Henry Ford of solar will emerge, on that day the public will flock to the newer and better technology. Or, perhaps as my one friend believes, the lights will go out in our generation and we should just get used to living without electricity. But, the government should NOT be throwing our hard-earned money at pie in the sky schemes that yield no benefit.
Oh, and if the Toronto Sun is too partisan here's some other articles speaking about the situation in Germany:
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